The Kummer Bridge Story

Black Diamond History Museum 32627 Railroad Ave, Black Diamond, Washington

The Kummer Bridge was built in 1932-33. Bill Kombol will present its history. It is now officially known as the Dan Evans Green River Bridge, but often called the Highway 169 that connects Black Diamond and Enumclaw.  Most locals still call it "The Kummer."

Mount Rainier Story

Black Diamond History Museum 32627 Railroad Ave, Black Diamond, Washington

Mount Rainier (Tahoma) 1 pm Our sentinel on the horizon stands as a testament to the areas unmatched beauty, but she hasn't always been the quiet snow capped peak we love today. Her fiery story begins long ago and will continue after we're gone. Join us as we look into her story.

Royal Reward: Mercury in the Green River

Black Diamond History Museum 32627 Railroad Ave, Black Diamond, Washington

Royal Reward: Mercury in the Green River 1 PM Coal is what's most associated with the Puget Group's Green River Formation but a rather unique story exists between the layers. Join us as we explore the only metallic mine in area and dig into the unique story of the Royal Reward Mine.

Black Diamond’s Water

Black Diamond History Museum 32627 Railroad Ave, Black Diamond, Washington

Black Diamond's Water 1 PM The City of Black Diamond is fortunate to have water you can just about drink from a hose, but where does it come from? As with so many things, we have the amazing geology to thank. Our story dates 2.4 million years!

Volcano lab  (for kids) 1 PM

Black Diamond History Museum 32627 Railroad Ave, Black Diamond, Washington

Volcano Lab  (for kids) 1 PM SIGN UP REQUIRED. May is Volcano Hazard Awareness month! Join us as we learn the mechanisms that drive these fiery wonders of world. Stay after the presentation for a experiment perfect for kids and adults!

Black Diamond All School Reunion

Black Diamond Community Center 31605 3rd Ave, Black Diamond, United States

Anyone who ever attended school in Black Diamond is welcome to join us for the annual fun. Join us for a fun day of memories. Refreshments & goodies provided for BD alum! Click to register:    

Welsh Heritage Day

The Black Diamond Historical Society is pleased to host the Puget Sound Welsh Association to celebrate Welsh Heritage Day. They have a special event and presentation planned, beginning at 1 p.m. The museum opens at 11 am so come early to tour. Refreshments will be served after the presentation. Admission free.

Black Diamond Cemetery Tour

Black Diamond Cemetery 24431 Morgan Street, Black Diamond, United States

Join us for a "haunting" tour of the historic Black Diamond Cemetery! Noon to 1 pm. Free.

Ancient Floods of Black Diamond 

Black Diamond History Museum 32627 Railroad Ave, Black Diamond, Washington

Ancient Floods of Black Diamond 1 PM When you think of ice age floods, we often think of Eastern Washington, but Western Washington experienced them just the same! Let's visit the spots & learn about our ice age floods.

Puppet Making Day for Kids

Black Diamond History Museum 32627 Railroad Ave, Black Diamond, Washington

Click on the title above to view details, including a registration link. Come be with our “Puppet Lady” and learn how to make your own puppet. Materials will be provided. Register (required).